Engine, Installing
Engine, Installing
Install in reverse order of removal. Note the following:
When doing any repair work, especially in the engine compartment, pay attention to the following due to clearance issues:
• Route all lines and wires in their original locations.
• To prevent damage to the lines, make sure there is sufficient clearance to all moving or hot components.
With a Manual Transmission
- Grease the splines of the input shaft lightly with grease for clutch plate splines (G 000 100).
- Install the clutch and the clutch mechanism.
Continuation for All
- Secure the engine and transmission mounts to the engine, shake the engine and transmission assembly to align it and tighten the mount bolts.
• For the engine and transmission mount tightening specifications, refer to => [ Fastener Tightening Specifications ] Engine Assembly - Fastener Tightening Specifications.
- Install the exhaust pipe with catalytic converter. Refer to => [ Exhaust Pipe with Catalytic Converter ] Exhaust Pipe With Catalytic Converter.
- Install the right drive axle and the left drive axle to the transmission.
- Install the pendulum support.
- Install the Air Conditioning (A/C) compressor.
- Install the ribbed belt. Refer to => [ Ribbed Belt ] Ribbed Belt.
- Install the noise insulation.
With a Manual Transmission
- Install the shift mechanism and adjust if necessary.
- Install the clutch slave cylinder.
With a Automatic Transmission
- Install the selector lever cable and adjust if necessary.
Continuation for All
- Fill the coolant. Refer to => [ Coolant, Draining and Filling ] Service and Repair.
- Install the Engine Control Module (ECM).
- Install the battery.
- Adapt the ECM. Refer to "Guided Functions" in the vehicle diagnostic tester.
- Perform the vehicle system test. Refer to "Guided Fault Finding" in the vehicle diagnostic tester.
- Then, end "Guided Fault Finding".
Observe the safety precautions that apply to road tests.
- Perform a road test.
- After that perform the vehicle system test again and repair any occurring malfunctions.
Tightening Specification