Steering/Suspension - Front Suspension Creaking Noise
40 12 05October 15, 2012
2028353 Supersedes V401201 dated January 19, 2012 to include nut and bolt
replacement part numbers.
Vehicle Information
Front Suspension Creaking Noise
Front suspension creaking noise during suspension cycles (going over speed bumps or entering on an inclined surface).
Technical Background
Coil Spring is not formed correctly and rubs against the perch of the strut.
Production Solution
Improved parts installed in production since CW 44/11, VIN: A31CC025567.
^ Verify if a car with the creaking noise has the contact mark (on one side or on both sides) as shown in figure 1.
Only proceed with this TB if this is the case!
^ Remove affected suspension strut and disassemble, see Repair Group 40 in ElsaWeb.
^ Apply touch up paint to the contact area of the strut perch and allow required drying time.
Use Rustoleum Cold Galvanizing Compound # V2185838 (or similar obtained locally), 2 coats.
Cover with Rustoleum Flat Black Spray Paint # V2178838 (or similar obtained locally), 1 coat.
^ Install new spring on suspension strut (per vehicle PR-codes).
^ Install suspension strut, see Repair Group 40 in ElsaWeb.
Replace all fasteners as required in repair procedure.
Required Parts and Tools
Additional Information
All part and service references provided in this Technical Bulletin are subject to change and/or removal.
Always check with your Parts Dept. and Repair Manuals for the latest information.