Starting and Charging: Service and Repair
Battery, Disconnecting and Connecting
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Torque Wrench (V.A.G 1331/)
• To disconnect battery, anti-theft alarm system must be deactivated. Refer to => [ Anti-Theft Alarm System, Activating and Deactivating ] Activating and Deactivating.
• By removing the battery negative terminal clamp (current disruption), safe work on the electrical system is guaranteed.
• It is necessary to disconnect the battery terminals only for removing the battery.
Be very careful when disconnecting the ground cable.
Do not bend the stud bolt on the body floor panel.
Otherwise the stud bolt could break off from the floor panel.
Perform the following:
- Switch off the ignition and all electrical consumers and remove the ignition key.
- Open the flap - 1 - inside the carpet in front of the left front seat.
- Remove the cap nut - 1 - (20 Nm) and remove the ground cable - 2 - from the stud bolt. Keep the ground cable so that it cannot fall back down.
Always tighten the ground cable to 20 Nm.
The bolt on the ground cable could break off if too much torque is applied. If too little torque is applied, the contact will not be good.
- Install the ground cable on the stud bolt and tighten the cap nut to 20 Nm.