Engine - Camshaft Adjustment Valve 1 -N205- Diagnosis
15 13 01January 2, 2013
2032173 Supersedes T.B. V151204 dated December 21, 2012 to update labor
operation numbers.
Vehicle Information
Camshaft Adjustment Valve 1 -N205- Diagnosis
One or more of the fault codes may be stored in the ECM Fault Memory shown.
Technical Background
Completing the GFF function test and performing basic settings on the camshaft adjustment valve are essential to diagnose proper operation and to avoid unnecessary replacements.
Production Solution
Optimized engine cleaning procedure in production.
Test steps for this bulletin are written for diagnosis using Off-board Diagnosis Information System (ODIS). Though the tests performed will be the same, the process required to run the function tests may be different if VAS-PC is used.
Perform Guided Fault Finding test plan for N205 - Camshaft adjustment valve 1 to determine operation of valve
^ Once ODIS has loaded, and the vehicle information has been updated, select the "Test Plan" top tab.
^ Select either the "Select self test" button and locate the test plan for the "N205 - Camshaft adjustment valve 1," or utilizing the search button in the "Extras" drop down side tab, search for "N205" with the object type "Test" selected.
^ Attach the "N205 - Camshaft adjustment valve 1 (Rep.Gr.15)" test to the test plan list.
^ Highlight the N205 - Camshaft adjustment valve 1 test plan and select "Perform Test".
^ When the test starts, the Camshaft adjustment valve - N205- will be activated via the output diagnosis test mode, listen and/or feel for an audible "click" sound coming from the N205 adjustment valve
^ Answer on screen prompts
The audible "click" sound may be heard easier if the engine compartment is open
^ If audible "click" noise is heard, the valve itself, wires and the control module are OK.
^ If prompted to continue function test, select "No"
^ Complete remainder of test plan.
^ If audible "click" noise is not heard, continue Guided Fault Finding based diagnosis.
If audible "click" noise is heard, the N205 Camshaft adjustment valve is operational, and basic settings must be performed to verify full functionality of the camshaft adjustment system.
Perform basic settings to verify proper functionality of N205 - Camshaft adjustment valve 1
The engine must be running at idle, with the transmission in the park or neutral positions, in order to perform the following procedure.
^ Open the "Control modules" top tab.
^ Right click on the engine control module in the control module list and select "Control module OBD."
^ Select "Basic Setting".
^ Scroll through the function group selection list and select function group "94".
^ Select "Read measured values" button.
^ Select "Basic setting" button.
^ Simultaneously hold the brake pedal and press the throttle pedal to "wide open throttle" for the duration of the test.
^ System status will be displayed when test is complete.
^ If system is OK and vehicle has less than 5000 miles over all or since last oil service, do not replace N205 - Camshaft adjustment valve 1. Clear fault codes, and perform road test to verify repair.
^ If system is OK and has greater than 5000 miles over all or since last oil service, do not replace N205 - Camshaft adjustment valve 1. Clear fault codes, change engine oil and filter, and perform road test to verify repair.
^ If faults return, this technical bulletin does not apply. Continue Guided Fault Finding based diagnosis.
^ If system is not OK, this technical bulletin does not apply. Continue Guided Fault Finding based diagnosis.
Required Parts and Tools
Additional Information
All part and service references provided in this Technical Bulletin are subject to change and/or removal.
Always check with your Parts Dept. and Repair Manuals for the latest information.