NOTE: Special Tools Required: 1426, 5112. Included below are only such steps that require special care when installing.
Parts To Replace:
- new gaskets and seals.
- new bolts for flywheel (drive plate).
- new support bearing in crankshaft (manual transmission).
Check, replace as required:
- coolant hoses and vacuum hoses.
- clutch, including throw-out bearing.
Flywheel & Drive Plate:
Flywheel (manual transmission), Drive Plate (automatic transmission)
- New bolts. Torque to 70 Nm (50 ft lbs). Use gear sector 5112 to lock flywheel.
- Automatic transmission: note location of support plates. The outer plate should be turned with flanged edge outwards.
Pilot Bearing Installation:
Pilot bearing in crankshaft (manual transmission):
- Tap in bearing until it bottoms in crankshaft. Use drift 1426.
- Install lock ring.
Transmission Alignment Dowels:
- Make sure dowels in engine block are in position.
- Tighten reinforcing bracket in stages to avoid stress fractures.