Front Wheel Alignment: Checking / AdjustingNOTE: All measurements are made with the car empty. Check and adjust the air pressure all round, if necessary.
1. Camber And Caster readings must be checked first, then the toe-in should be checked and adjusted if needed.
2. Lift up front end.
- Lift under control arms as close to the ball joints as possible.
3. Check play in the front suspension if necessary.
- Check for play in:
- Steering gear or tie rods
- Wheel bearings
- Upper shock absorber bearings
- Control arm ball joints and bushings
- If there is play in any of the above components it must be corrected.
4. Position turntables under the front wheels.
- Use the turntables to take up lateral movement.
- The car must stand level when the front wheels are on turntables.
- So that the correct values are obtained when checking camber and caster.
5. Lower suspension.
- Bounce the front suspension heavily a few times when the car has sunk onto the turntables.
- This must be done for the front suspension to resume the normal position.
6. Set up test equipment.
- Set up and calibrate the test equipment according to the equipment manufacturers instructions.
Checking Camber Angle 960 1995 On
- Check camber angle with test equipment in the usual way.
- Correct camber angle: To determine the correct camber angle the car height must be taken into account.
- This is carried out as follows: Measure the fender edge measurement on both sides of the car (`'A" = steel rim, "B" = aluminium rim).
- Reading off the chart.
- Read off the chart.
- With the help of the fender edge measurement and rim curve the camber angle degree required can be read off.
- Rim curves according to the chart
A = 15" aluminum rim
B = 15" steel rim
C = 16" aluminum rim
D = 17" aluminum rim
A tolerance of +0.5° is allowed.
The Caster Angle Cannot Be Adjusted From The 1995 Model Year Onwards. The Control Arm And The Control Arm Strut Have Been Replaced By A Cast Control Arm.
- If the value is +3°, it means that the bearing is the wrong way round. Remove the lock nuts and turn the bearing. After adjusting caster angle adjust toe-in to within specified values.
Toe-in Adjustments
Checking Toe-in On Cars With Multilink Suspension
- Check that the instruments are adjusted in relation to each other on the front and rear axles. It is important to be able to adjust front wheel toe-in in relation to the car's thrust line. Thrust line is the line created when the rear wheels toe-in angles are equally divided as shown in the illustration.
The difference between the wheel symmetry line and the thrust line is called the thrust angle. The maximum allowed variation from the symmetry line according to Multilink specifications: 8'(0.25°).
- Adjustment is by the tie rods after loosening the locknuts. Shorter struts give greater angles and vice versa. Correct value: Nominal: 18' ± 8'