Timing Belt: Service and Repair
Replacing the Timing Belt/Idler Pulley/Belt Tensioner
- Gauge tool No. 998 8500, or equivalent
Auxiliary Drive Belt:
1. Remove auxiliaries drive belt.
- Use jointed handle with 3/8 in drive to relieve belt tensioner and slacken belt.
- Remove belt.
G2. Remove:
- Timing gear belt cover.
- Splash guard under engine.
- Vibration damper guard.
- Ignition coil cover.
Align camshafts/crankshaft with timing marks
- Turn crankshaft clockwise until timing marks align on camshaft pulleys/transmission mounting plate and crankshaft pulley/oil pump and housing.
- Remove upper transmission cover.
Timing Belt With Tension Meter:
3. Check belt tension.
- Wait 5 minutes after adjusting belt.
- Place gauge 998 8500 between exhaust camshaft drive pulley and water pump.
- Read gauge.
- If belt tension is correct, gauge should read between:
With 21mm Belt: 3.5 - 4.6 units
With 23mm Belt: 2.7 - 4.2 units
With 28mm Belt: 2.5 - 3.5 units
- If tension is incorrect, tensioner must be replaced.
Timing Belt With Tensioner:
4. Removing timing belt.
- Remove tensioner upper mounting bolt.
- Undo lower mounting bolt.
- Twist tensioner to free plunger.
- Remove bolt.
- Remove tensioner.
- Remove belt.
NOTE: Do not turn crankshaft or camshaft while belt is removed.
Tensioner And Idler Pulleys:
5. Check tensioner and idler pulleys.
- Spin pulleys and listen for bearing noise.
- Check that pulley surfaces in contact with belt are clean and smooth.
- Check tensioner pulley arm and idler pulley mountings.
- Torques:
- Tensioner pulley arm: 40 Nm (30 ft lb).
- Idler pulley: 25 Nm (18 ft lb).
Tensioner With Special Tool 5456:
6. Check tensioner.
- Inspect component for signs of leakage.
- Compress tensioner using tool 5456. Mount tensioner in tool and tighten center nut fully. Wait until compression has taken place and insert 2 mm locking pin in plunger.
NOTE: Tensioner must be replaced if leakage is observed, if plunger offers no resistance when depressed, or if plunger cannot be depressed.
Timing Belt With Pulleys:
7. Install timing belt.
- Place belt around crankshaft pulley and right-hand idler.
- Place belt over camshaft pulleys.
- Position belt around water pump and press over tensioner pulley.
8. Install tensioner.
- Insert tensioner mounting bolts.
- Torque: 25 Nm (18 ft lb).
- Remove locking pin.
- Mount front transmission cover.
- Turn crankshaft two revolutions and check that timing marks on crankshaft and camshaft pulleys are correctly aligned.
9. Install:
- Ignition coil cover.
- Vibration damper guard.
- Splash guard under engine.
- Front transmission cover.
Auxiliaries Drive Belt:
10. Install auxiliaries drive belt.
- Place belt around crankshaft pulley.
- Position belt on A/C compressor, idler pulley, alternator and power pump.
- Tension tensioner and position belt.
11. Check operation.
- Test run engine.