Repair Work
Repair work
Volvo special tools and Volvo original spare parts
Note! To ensure the quality standards demanded by our customers and Volvo always use Volvo special tools and Volvo original spare parts from the repair kit p/n 981 4235 Replaced by 9512644 981 4235 Replaced by 951 2644 , together with the tools and cable terminals recommended by Volvo for cable repairs.
Do not use other tools:
There are a number of hobby tools for cable repairs available in automobile workshops. But due to their design these tools seldom provide acceptable terminal crimping with the degree of deformation of the contact required. They are therefore unsuitable for making cable repairs on Volvo cars.
When replacing a cable
When replacing cables always use the same type of cable as the original, that is to say a cable of the correct length, insulation, core area and preferably the same color.