Body and Frame: Service Precautions
Working with chemical products
The use of chemical products is mentioned in several places in this information. A number of these products contain solvents and other substances which can involve a large risk to health, which means that special caution should be taken when handling these products.
As a professional user of a chemical product, you should always request a product information leaflet from the supplier. This describes the degree of hazard involved, the protective measures to be taken and the measures to be implemented in the event of an accident. The supplier is legally responsible for supplying the product information leaflet to professional users.
According to the law, all dangerous chemicals should carry a hazard warning label. Always remember to read it and any other instructions to be found on the packaging before beginning work with a chemical product.
There are a number of general points below concerning substances which may be contained in the products mentioned.
Note! The points below does not replace the supplier's product information leaflet for a specific product. Since a product which fulfills a certain function can consist of different substances depending on the product, no general remarks e.g. "Plastic putty" or "Dilution", can be made regarding health hazards.
Important to consider!
Hazardous substances can be released during the sanding or welding of painted surfaces even when the surface is dry and the coat being treated has hardened. The composition of sanding dust/welding smoke depends on how the surface is treated. In certain cases the dust can contain, for example, lead chromites and other pigments containing heavy metal which if repeatedly inhaled over a long period can involve a certain cancer risk. Free isocyanates can also occur (health risks, see below). Therefore use breathing protection when working on pre-treated/painted surfaces if the surface becomes very warm during work on it.
Comprehensive legislation exists for how paint spraying and associated work should be carried out, covering among other things requirements for equipping the premises, the ventilation required, etc.
Residues and other waste products from the repair work is classified as environmentally hazardous waste and should be dealt with by the person(s) who collect such waste products at the place of work.
General remarks on substances which may be contained in the products mentioned (always refer though to the suppliers' product information leaflet)
Organic solvents
Are contained in for example paints, primers, fillers, anti-corrosive agents etc. Organic solvents when inhaled can cause headaches, dizziness and nausea. In the case of repeated inhalation of high concentrations over a longer period, the solvents can affect the nervous system and give rise to chronic damage such as memory loss and concentration difficulties. Some solvents are absorbed through the skin and so can have similar effects as when inhaled. Organic solvents in general, dry out the skin and can cause skin problems because of their degreasing effect.
Pigments are the components in the paint that give it its color. Some pigments contain lead and other heavy metals which involve both a health and an environmental risk. Products containing such pigments should not be used if other less hazardous alternatives are available. Certain products from Volvo Car Corporation. Aftersales do not normally contain this type of pigment.
Are often contained in the hardener of a two-component paint. Isocyanates which are spread as particles or in gas form by, for example, spraying, are aggressive when even low amounts are inhaled and can cause asthma. When handled in this way, "fresh-air masks" should always be used. Certain isocyanates can also cause allergies when coming into contact with skin.
Styrene is a solvent which is often contained in various types of plastic base filler. High levels of styrene can irritate the breathing passages and the eye membranes, and when inhaled, the nervous system is also affected causing symptoms such as headaches, dizziness and nausea. Repeated inhalation of high levels over a longer period can cause solvent damage and have some affect on the blood.
Organic peroxides
Are often contained in plastic base filler. Organic peroxides are extremely irritating to the skin, mucous membranes and the eyes. Some types can cause corrosive damage. Repeated skin contact with organic peroxides involves some risk of allergic contact eczema. Organic peroxides oxidize which means that they emit acid and may cause fires without the supply of oxygen. Therefore store organic peroxides away from inflammable materials.
Some paints contain low-molecular epoxy resin which can give rise to skin irritations and allergic contact eczema. High-molecular epoxy resin can also involve some allergy risk for persons who are already sensitized.