Calibrating Special Tool 998 8695
Special Tool 998 8695It is important when fault tracing and checking the SRS system that the special tool has no defects. A defective special tool will cause faulty readings in the diagnostic system and make fault tracing and checking more difficult.
To ensure that the special tool is fault free it should be calibrated using an ohmmeter before it is used.
Prior to calibration the integral short-circuiting element must be disabled as follows.
Disabling Short-circuit
- Disable the short-circuiting element between the pins by pressing an 8 mm (0.32") long plastic tube into the terminal as illustrated.
- Use a piece of cabling harness protective sleeving, P/N. 185 506-3.
Measuring Resistance
Use an ohmmeter to measure the resistance in the special tool.
- Connect the ohmmeter test terminals to the special tool pins as illustrated. The ohmmeter should read between 1.8 and 2.5 ohm
If the reading is OK:
The special tool is OK.
^ Remove the piece of sleeving from the pins.
If the reading is abnormal:
The special tool is defective if the ohmmeter registers an abnormal reading.
^ Scrap the tool and replace it.