A-pillar Volvo's term for the windshield pillar (compare with B, C and D pillars).
Accelerated drying Acceleration of the drying process by the application of heat.
Accelerator Accelerates a chemical reaction (dangerous to eyes).
Acrylic A term used to describe a large number of synthetic resins which are based on acrylic acid or metacrylic acid. Acrylic also denotes the type of paint that has acrylic resin as one of the paint's main components.
Acrylic isocyanide A joint term for two-part paint. "Acrylic" denotes the paint component and "isocyanide" denotes the hardener which is added to accelerate the drying process.
Air drying Waiting period between the spraying of different coats. Particularly for wet on wet spraying.
Alkaline pollutants E.g. cleaning agent residue
Aluminum oxide Substance used in sand-blasting
Artificial resin Also called synthetic resin. High-molecular organic substance, i.e. plaster which has a resin characteristic, usually alkydes.
B-pillar Volvo's term for the side pillar between the front and rear doors.
Base metallic Term for one of the components in a two-coat metallic paint. The metallic coat gives the required color. The second coat consists of varnish.
Boil blisters Crater shaped defects in the surface. Often occur in thick-coated, fast-drying paint. and when the air drying time is too short.
C-pillar Volvo's term for the back window pillar on 2 and 4 door models.
Cellulose Common term for paint which contains cellulose nitrate as the main bonding agent. Previously the most common type of vehicle paint due to its short drying time. The paint dries chiefly due to the evaporation of the solvents. It also has an inferior polish durability compared to the original paint work.
Color Shade.
Color coat Term for the paint which gives the required color.
D-pillar Volvo's term for the rearmost side pillar on 5 door vehicles.
De-ionized water Water with low conductivity. Can be used instead of distilled water.
Distilled water Water which is cleaned by evaporation and condensation. Used, for example, in car batteries.
Etching primer Used to increase the paint's bonding on parts made of aluminum, zinc etc., also in some cases as a base coat for color painting on steel panels.
Filler Primer with special filling qualities.
Finish Term for the finished result, the polishing, sheen, gloss etc.
Fish eyes Description of the paint defect where craters resembling "fish eyes" occur on the paint work.
Hardener Additive which initiates a chemical reaction. Makes the paint coat harden.
Metallic paint Pigmentation of paint using aluminum powder which gives a metallic surface effect.
"Mu" (%m) Micrometer % stands for a millionth (in this case of a meter).
"Non-sanding" Usual term for an intermediate coat where neither drying or sanding is necessary.
Oxalic acid solution 3% Used for removing flying rust. Oxalic acid is found in many plants, e.g. rhubarb and gooseberry.
Paint system Work procedure for painting.
Partial painting Localization of the painting process to limited areas and components. The boundaries are normally made along natural borders. Partial painting means that it is not necessary to spray the entire vehicle.
Phosphate pre-treatment Very thin, passivating, protective film that improves bonding. This is produced by chemical pre-treating with phosphoric acid in conjunction with a degreasing bath. Finished by thorough rinsing in completely de-salted water.
Polish Cleaner, polish. Used among other things to achieve a gloss finish to the paint.
Polyester base filler Most common base filler for filling panel. Supplied as a two-component base filler based on polyester. Hardens after the addition of accelerator which speeds up the chemical reaction.
Pot life In Swedish "Appentid"; in German "top zeit". The time a two-component paint remains useable after mixing with hardener.
Primer Applied directly on to the panel surface to give a good base for the following color coats.
Resin paint Based on epoxy reins. A variety of different paint types.
Rubbing Fine sanding material used for polishing paint.
Sand-blasting Method of cleaning a surface. Sand, steel shot or other granular material is blown using compressed air at the surface.
Silicon Term for the silicon resins used in skin cream among other things. Often cause problems for the painter as they cause craters in the paint work.
Sinking The paint is sucked into the undercoat and creates matt blotches.
Smoothing filler Base filler used to even out minor irregularities.
Solid color coat The opposite of metallic color coat.
Spot repairs Localized paint work repairs to minor areas.
Spray pressure The pressure needed to spray the paint. (Prevailing pressure in the paint container.)
Spray stroke One overspray (one coat).
Stone chip coat An extra protective layer against stone chips.
Surface temperature Prescribed temperature of the surface to be painted.
Synthetic paint Color paint containing a binding agent produced synthetically, usually alkyd.
"Tac-rag" Adhesive cloth to collect dust particles.
Total painting Painting of the entire vehicle without masking any area.
Varnish Paint with no pigmentation. Used together with base metallic in two-coat metallic painting.
Viscosity "Inner friction", the extent to which a fluid resists a tendency to flow.
Wet on wet Spraying paint directly on to the previous coat without waiting for it to dry. Only a short period of air drying between coats is necessary.
Wet sanding Sanding with special wet sandpaper and water.
White spirit Solvent for alkydes, oils, fats and similar.