Scan Tool Testing and Procedures
Resetting car
Resetting car
- Ignition on
When downloading software, control units can jam in programming position.
If nothing else helps to get out of this position, carry out a reset.
Note! Resetting control units will not correct previous faults, or the fact that the software is not properly installed.
Click on VCT 2000 symbol to reset.
Numeric Result 0 - DONE
Numeric Result 0 - Communication fault
Numeric Result 0 - Communication fault
Communication fault
Communication fault
Communication fault
Communication has been interrupted for one of the following reasons:
- The ignition is switched off
- VCT2000 disconnected from the data link connector (DLC)
- VCT2000 disconnected from the VIDA cart
- Communication problems in VIDA application or in car.
- No voltage in the data link connector (DLC).
Check therefore:
- That the control module power supply and ground terminal are fault-free.
- That the fuse for the data link connector (DLC) is intact.
- that the ignition is on
- that the battery voltage (system voltage) is normal (approximately 12 V).
If necessary a battery charger can be connected during the test.
For information about charge currents and the battery, see: Battery, charging Battery, Charging
- that VCT2000 is correctly connected to the VIDA cart and the data link connector (DLC)
- that VCT2000 and the wiring is fault-free.
Other information
- For information about fuse and terminal numbers, see the relevant Wiring Diagram.
Try to establish communication again or exit reading off diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs). Depending on the communication fault, select one of the following options.
1. Try again
2. Fault-trace more comprehensively for the communication problem that has occurred
3. Exit fault-tracing / Read off from the next system.
Which alternative is requested?
1 - 1
2 - 2
3 - 3
1 - Resetting car
2 - Checking communication
3 - Exit fault-tracing / Read off from the next system
Checking communication
Checking power supply and ground CEM
Checking power supply
If the fault exists, fault-trace according to permanent fault-tracing. If the fault has occurred but is no longer present, fault-trace according to intermittent fault-tracing.
Check that the battery is charged.
Check voltage to ground at the following points:
- main fuse 11A/2
- fuse 11C/32
Voltage should be battery voltage.
Check that fuses are intact.
Hint: If a fuse has blown there is usually a short-circuit in a cable. Fault-trace as follows before replacing the fuse
Remedy as necessary.
Check connector 54/3R (see illustration) for contact resistance and oxidation according to Checking wiring and terminals. Permanent fault Checking Wiring and Terminals. Permanent Fault. Check particularly for any damage.
Check connector 54/3L (see illustration) for contact resistance and oxidation according to Checking wiring and terminals. Permanent fault Checking Wiring and Terminals. Permanent Fault. Check particularly for any damage.
Check wiring and connectors between the central electronic module #6E and the battery for a permanent open-circuit according to Checking wiring and terminals. Permanent fault Checking Wiring and Terminals. Permanent Fault for an intermittent open-circuit according to Checking wiring and terminals. Intermittent faults Checking Wiring and Terminals. Intermittent Faults and for loose connections according to Checking wiring and terminals. Intermittent faults Checking Wiring and Terminals. Intermittent Faults.
Check wiring and connectors between control module #6E and the battery for a permanent short-circuit to ground according to Checking wiring and terminals. Permanent fault Checking Wiring and Terminals. Permanent Fault and for an intermittent short-circuit to ground according to Checking wiring and terminals. Intermittent faults Checking Wiring and Terminals. Intermittent Faults. Check particularly for any damage.
Other information
- To access/replace the central electronic module connector, see Central electronic module (CEM), replacing
- Connection of breakout box to control module, see
Was a fault detected?
Yes - Symptom check, communication between the car and VIDA
No - Checking ground lead
Checking ground lead
Check the wiring between the central electronic module connector #1E and ground terminal/ground: the left A-post (right A-post, RHD) for a permanent open-circuit according to Checking wiring and terminals. Permanent fault Checking Wiring and Terminals. Permanent Fault and intermittent open-circuit according to Checking wiring and terminals. Intermittent faults Checking Wiring and Terminals. Intermittent Faults.
Other information
- To access/replace the central electronic module connector, see Central electronic module (CEM), replacing
- Connection of breakout box to control module, see
Was a fault detected?
Yes - Symptom check, communication between the car and VIDA
No - Replacing the control module
Replacing the control module
Replace the control module according to Central electronic module (CEM), replacing
Continue - Symptom check, communication between the car and VIDA
Symptom check, communication between the car and VIDA
Check that the communication between the car and VIDA by reading off the central electronic module identity (press the VCT 2000 symbol).
Is communication established?
No - No Fault Found
No Fault Found - Trouble-shooting information
Trouble-shooting information
Fault-tracing information
Fault-tracing information
Fault-tracing communication problems is now finished.
Do you want to try establishing communication again?
Yes - YES
No - NO
YES - Resetting car