Battery: Application and ID
Battery Marking
The performance of a car battery is normally expressed as follows:
- Cold cranking amperes, CCA.
- Reserve capacity, RC.
- Capacity, C20 (in certain cases).
Recommended charge current
The cold cranking amperes according to the SAE and DIN norms and the corresponding capacity and recommended charge current are shown in the table.
Cold cranking amperes according to the SAE norm and the corresponding capacity and recommended constant charge current
Cold cranking amperes according to the DIN norm and the corresponding capacity and recommended constant charge current
Volvo battery labels
The below figures shows an example of how the battery labels may appear.
European label
1. Cold cranking amperes, CCA, according to the SAE norm (520 A)
2. Volvo part number (9472329)
3. Reserve capacity, RC, according to the SAE norm (95 min)
4. The nominal terminal voltage of the battery (12 V)*.
American labels
1. The nominal terminal voltage of the battery (12 V)*
2. Capacity (60 Ah)
3. Cold cranking amperes, CCA (550 A)
4. Reserve capacity, RC (100 min)
5. Volvo part number (9459947).
*12 V is the nominal terminal voltage. This means that the battery has a stand-by voltage of 12.72 V when fully charged. Note that a battery with a stand-by voltage of 12 V is only charged to approximately 35% of capacity.