Checking Dipped Beam Adjustment
Checking dipped beam adjustment
Programming control module
Programming procedures
The following can be programmed in the Central electronic module (CEM) according to customer's wishes.
1. Seat temperature.
2. Approach lights.
3. Daytime running lights.
4. Tailgate window wiper (5 DRS).
Use the buttons to select the functions to be programmed.
1 - Programming the seat temperature
2 - Programming approach lights
3 - Programming daytime running lamps
4 - Programming wiper function, rear window (5DRS)
Programming the seat temperature
Programming the seat temperature (central electronic module)
The heated seat temperature can be adjusted.
This can be carried out for both the left and right seats.
There are two values that can be programmed: low temperature and high temperature.
Programming must be carried out so that the high temperature setting is higher than the low temperature setting.
Do you want to program in Celsius or Fahrenheit?
1. Celsius
2. Fahrenheit.
1 - Celsius
2 - Fahrenheit
The seat temperature can be set between 0°C and 43°C.
Which seat do you want to reprogram:
1. Left seat
2. Right seat.
1 - Checking the left seat
2 - Checking the right seat
The seat temperature can be set between 32°F and 109.4°F.
Which seat do you want to reprogram:
1. Left seat
2. Right seat.
1 - Checking the left seat
2 - Checking the right seat
Checking the left seat
Read off the programming by clicking on the VCT2000 symbol.
To change the seat temperature, mark the desired value in the scrolling list and start programming.
Programming must be carried out so that the high temperature setting is higher than the low temperature setting.
Continue - Save the programmed value
Checking the right seat
Read off the programming by clicking on the VCT2000 symbol.
To change the seat temperature, mark the desired value in the scrolling list and start programming.
Programming must be carried out so that the high temperature setting is higher than the low temperature setting.
Continue - Save the programmed value
Checking the left seat
Read off the programming by clicking on the VCT2000 symbol.
To change the seat temperature, mark the desired value in the scrolling list and start programming.
Programming must be carried out so that the high temperature setting is higher than the low temperature setting.
Continue - Save the programmed value
Checking the right seat
Read off the programming by clicking on the VCT2000 symbol.
To change the seat temperature, mark the desired value in the scrolling list and start programming.
Programming must be carried out so that the high temperature setting is higher than the low temperature setting.
Continue - Save the programmed value
Save the programmed value
To ensure that the programmed information is stored, click on the VCT2000 symbol to force the entry.
Do you want to program any more parameters?
Yes - Programming approach lights
No - Exit procedure
Programming approach lights
Programming the home safe lights
The home safe lights can be programmed to stay on for a longer or shorter time according to the wishes of the customer.
The factory setting is 30 seconds. The time can be set to 0, 30, 60 or 90 seconds.
Read off the programming by clicking on the VCT2000 symbol.
To change the time set, mark the desired value in the scrolling list and start programming.
Continue - Save the programmed value
Save the programmed value
To ensure that the programmed information is stored, click on the VCT2000 symbol to force the entry.
Do you want to program any more parameters?
Yes - Programming daytime running lamps
No - Exit procedure
Programming daytime running lamps
Three different daytime running light functions can be programmed:
1. Low beam in all switch positions except the parking light position (Flex zero)
Position light switch:
OFF:Parking and daytime running lamps or Xenon lamps are activated depending on the signal from the twilight sensor.
Parking lamps:Only parking lamps activated.
On:Parking and Xenon lamps are activated.
2. The light switch functioning on the basis of: off, parking light and low beam (Flex standard)
Position light switch:
OFF:Daytime running lamps are activated. If the twilight sensor registers insufficient light, all lighting is switched off (Xenon lamps are not activated).
Parking lamps:Only parking lamps activated.
On:Parking and Xenon lamps are activated.
3. Low beam always on regardless of the position of the light switch (Flex low)
Position light switch:
OFF:Parking and daytime running lamps or Xenon lamps are activated depending on the signal from the twilight sensor.
Parking lamps:Parking and Xenon lamps are activated.
On:Parking and Xenon lamps are activated.
It is essential that the legal requirements of each country are followed.
Note! It is not permitted to change this programming in the Canadian market.
Read off the programming by clicking on the VCT2000 symbol.
To change the setting, mark the desired value in the scrolling list and start programming.
Continue - Save the programmed value
Save the programmed value
To ensure that the programmed information is stored, click on the VCT2000 symbol to force the entry.
Do you want to program any more parameters?
Yes - Programming wiper function, rear window (5DRS)
No - Exit procedure
Programming wiper function, rear window (5DRS)
Programming the wiper function for the rear windshield (5 door models)
Programming the wiper function for the rear windshield (5 door models)
- The wiper function for the rear windshield can be programmed. There are two versions:
1. The rear windshield wiper can only be activated manually.
2. The rear windshield wiper can be activated automatically when back-up (reverse) gear is selected and the front wipers are activated.
Read off the programming by clicking on the VCT2000 symbol.
To change the setting, mark the desired value in the scrolling list and start programming.
Continue - Save the programmed value
Save the programmed value
To ensure that the programmed information is stored, click on the VCT2000 symbol to force the entry.
Do you want to program any more parameters?
Yes - Programming procedures
No - Exit procedure