Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Non Matching Data

Non matching data

Occasionally there may be a deviation between the car and the Volvo central database. These deviations can either be an invalid configuration or a miss-match.

An invalid configuration can be caused by the ordered software not corresponding to the car. Or that the cancelled vehicle profile in VIDA and the car do not correspond. In order to avoid many of these problems use the "Obtain VIN" button in VIDA vehicle profile.

A miss-match is when information about the car hardware number, hardware serial number and the software serial number does not correspond to the Volvo central database.

In such a case the car is considered correct and the Volvo central database is updated with the car's hardware, software and serial numbers.

When a control module has been replaced and a reload of the software ordered, VIDA asks if the control module has been added to or replaced.

If the answer is NO a miss-match then occurs. The problem is that the control module may have already been preloaded with software from the supplier. This software might not be correct or does not function fully and will therefore not function when installed in the car.

Yes must be answered if any hardware has been replaced or added to. When one of the options has been selected, VIDA reads out all the hardware numbers and serial numbers of the car. The Volvo central database is updated with these, and the correct software supplied to the VIDA-station.

The importance of marking that the hardware has been replaced in VIDA can be shown using the following example.

The driver's door module has been replaced and is preloaded with software that does not correspond to the car. A miss-match occurs if the hardware is not marked as having been replaced. The Volvo central database will then be updated with the incorrect software.

The incorrect software found in the database will be stored if the mechanic attempts to reorder a reload. The damage is already done because the incorrect software is in the Volvo central database.

Only the helpdesk can correct the situation by manually updating the Volvo central database.

CAUTION: It is still possible to achieve a data miss-match but that is because the software of another control module does not correspond to the Volvo Central database. The control modules must only be replaced one at a time and reloads must be carried out between replacements.