Wire Color Code and Other Abbreviations
Group 23 = Fuel system
Group 26 = Cooling system
Group 27 = Engine controls
Group 32 = Generator and voltage regulator
Group 33 = Starting system
Group 35 = Lighting
Group 36 = Additional electrical equipment
Group 37 = Wiring and fuses
Group 38 = Instruments
Group 39 = Other
Group 43 = Transmission
Group 59 = Brake system
Group 64 = Steering
Group 83 = Doors and openings
Group 84 = Exterior decorative elements etc.
Group 85 = Interior equipment
Group 87 = Climate controls
Group 88 = Internal equipment
Ignition switch symbols
x = Accessories (audio position)
S = Powered upon insertion of key
15 = The switch remains connected during start
15l = Contact is broken while starting
30 = Constant power from the battery
50 = Start
A = Austria
AUS = Australia
B = Belgium
CDN = Canada
CH = Switzerland
D = Germany
DK = Denmark
E = Spain
EU/OS = Markets outside USA and Canada
FIN = Finland
GB = Great Britain
ISR = Israel
J = Japan
KOR = Korea
N = Norway
NL = Netherlands
S = Sweden
USA = United States of America
WEU = Western Europe
ACC = Accessory
AMP = Amplifier
AUDIO = Audio system
AUTO = Automatic transmission
BIX = Bi-Xenon
CEM = Central Electronic Module
DENSO = Fuel control system, gasoline
DSTC = Dynamic Stability Traction Control
E.E = Early edition
EXT.D = Extended electrical distribution
HISPEED = High speed data bus
L.E = Late edition
LH = Left-hand side
LHD = Left-hand drive
LOSPEED = Low speed data bus
MAN = Manual transmission
ME7 = Fuel control system, gasoline, turbo
PCL = Power Child Lock
REM = Rear Electronic Module
RH = Right-hand side
RHD = Right-hand drive
RTI = Road Traffic Information
SRS = Airbag
STC = Stability Traction Control
TELE = Mobile telephone
TURBO = Turbo engine
W/O = Without
BL = Blue
BN = Brown
GN = Green
GR = Gray
OR = Orange
P = Pink
R = Red
SB = Black
VO = Violet
W = White
Y = Yellow