Steering/Suspension - Revised Ball Joint Installation
NO: 61-06DATE: 5-6-2004
MODEL: S60, 2001 -
All V70, V70 XC, XC 70 & V70 AWD, 2001 -
SUBJECT: Ball Joint Replacement New Method (replaces all previous methods)
This TNN describes a new method for replacing the ball joint. The specified tightening and counterhold techniques must be adhered to in order to achieve a secure joint after replacing the ball joint nut. Care must be used in order to avoid damage to the rubber sealing boot during installation.
Note Impact wrenches must not be used when tightening the ball joint.
Remove the front wheels. 1.
Removing the ball joint 2.
Remove the nut on the control arm. Use a
Torx 40 (9512927) wrench as a counterhold.
Removing the ball joint, continued 3.
Press down the control arm. Use lever 999
7076. Position the hook at (1).
Note! If the hook is positioned at point (2) there is a risk of damaging the rubber boot on the ball joint.
Release the spring strut from the control arm. Important! Do not pull the drive shaft as the axial pinions cannot support large loads.
Removing the ball joint, continued 4.
Remove the screws on the ball joint.
Removing the ball joint, continued 5.
- nut 999 7148 on the ball joint
- slide hammer 999 2709 on the nut.
Tap off the ball joint.
Cleaning the ball joint mounting 6.
Warning! Use protective goggles.
Clean the ball joint seat and the mating surfaces for the ball joint to the wheel spindle. Use a rotating wire brush. Lubricate the seat using wheel bearing grease.
Installing the new ball joint 7.
The guide screws 9995781-3 have a wrench grip (see arrow) which is asymmetrically positioned.
Aluminum wheel spindle: Use the screw (1) with the greater distance to the wrench grip.
Steel wheel spindle: Use the screw (2) with the shortest distance from the wrench grip.
Note - Steel wheel spindle only used on 1999 S80.
All other vehicles concerned have aluminum wheel spindle.
Installing the new ball joint, continued 8.
Loosely install the new ball joint using the guide screws.
Important! Leave the protective cap for the ball joint in position to prevent damaging the rubber boot.
Installing the new ball joint, continued 9.
Press the ball joint up against the seat. Use press tool 999 5796. Check that the ball joint is centered in the seat.
Knock in the ball joint. Use a copper mallet. Remove the guide screws.
Installing the new ball joint, continued 10.
Tighten the ball joint. Use new screws.
Tighten to 50 Nm.
Remove the protective cap (1).
Installing the new ball joint, continued 11.
Press down the control arm. Use lever 999 7076. Position the hook at (1).
Note! If the hook is positioned at point (2) there is a risk of damaging the rubber boot on the ball joint.
Align the spring strut in the control arm. Important! Do not pull the drive shaft as the axial pinions cannot support large loads.
Installing the ball joint nuts, tightening 12.
Install a new nut.
Important! The ball joint pinion must not rotate. Use special tool 951 2927 (Torx 40 long version) as a counterhold to prevent damaging the rubber boot.
Tighten the joint. Tighten to 50 Nm. Use a counterhold.
Note! Use 999 5500 with torque wrench.
Continue with angle-tightening. See step 14.
Installing the ball joint nut, angle-tightening 13.
Angle-tighten 350 Use protractor 951 2050 or equivalent.
Note! A counterhold is not required when angle tightening if the joint has been tightened to 50 Nm. The friction between the ball joint and control arm is greater than between the nut and threads on the ball joint.
Finishing 14.
Install wheels as per VADIS
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