Brake Bleeding: Service and Repair
When the front or rear hydraulic system is opened for any reason, it must be bled to remove all trapped air. The front and rear systems are independent and need not be bled together. After all repairs are made, proceed as follows:
1. Fill brake fluid reservoir with DOT 3 brake fluid.
2. Clean all dirt and foreign material from bleed screws and remove protective caps.
3. Attach bleed hose over bleed fitting in brake caliper or wheel cylinder. Submerge other end of bleed hose into a clean jar half filled with brake fluid.
4. Loosen bleed screw one or two turns and press brake pedal down, allowing it to return slowly. Repeat several times until no more air bubbles escape from rubber hose.
5. Depress brake pedal and remove bleed hose. Tighten bleed screw and install protective hose.
6. Repeat above procedure for other wheels, ensuring fluid level in reservoir is maintained. After bleeding, top up reservoir to maximum level.