One Piece Intake Manifold
One Piece Intake Manifold
=> [ Vacuum Reservoir in Intake Manifold, Checking for Leaks ]
=> [ Intake Manifold Flap Vacuum Actuator, Checking ]
=> [ Intake Air Pre-Heating, Checking ]
=> [ Fuel Pressure Sensor, Checking ]
Vacuum Reservoir in Intake Manifold, Checking for Leaks
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Hand Vacuum Pump (VAS 6213) or
• Hand Vacuum Pump (V.A.G 1390)
Perform a visual inspection to check whether all vacuum hoses to the intake manifold are not damaged and connected correctly.
- Disconnect the vacuum hose - item 14 -=> [ Vacuum Hose ] One Piece Intake Manifold from the intake manifold runner control (IMRC) valve (N316) from the intake manifold.
When using the (VAS 6213):
- Set the slide ring - 1 - on the (VAS 6213) to position - A - for "vacuum".
- Connect the (VAS 6213) to the intake manifold connection.
- Operate the (VAS 6213) until a vacuum of 0.3 bar has been reached on the pressure gauge.
• Due to the large volume in the vacuum reservoir, up to 30 pumps may be required to generate a vacuum 0.3 bar.
- Observe the pressure for approximately 3 to 5 minutes.
If the vacuum remains at 0.3 bar:
The vacuum reservoir in the intake manifold is OK.
If the vacuum drops.
- Replace the intake manifold.
Intake Manifold Flap Vacuum Actuator, Checking
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Hand Vacuum Pump (VAS 6213) or
• Hand Vacuum Pump (V.A.G 1390)
• The Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) valve (N316) was tested using "Guided Fault Finding" in the vehicle diagnostic tester.
If the IMRC valve is OK
- Disconnect the vacuum hose from the vacuum actuator.
When using the (VAS 6213):
- Set the slide ring - 1 - on the (VAS 6213) to position - A - for "vacuum".
- Connect the (VAS 6213) to the vacuum actuator - arrow -.
- Operate the (VAS 6213) several times. Operating plunger must move in the - direction of the arrow -.
• Use a mirror for testing.
- Disconnect the (VAS 6213) from the vacuum actuator. Operating plunger must spring back into its initial position.
- If the operating plunger does not move as described, replace the actuator.
Intake Air Pre-Heating, Checking
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Chilling Spray (commercially available)
• Installed only on cold climate vehicles.
Regulator Flap, Checking:
- Remove the upper air filter housing and filter element. Refer to => [ Air Filter Housing Overview ] One Piece Intake Manifold.
- Check the position of the regulator flap - 1 -.
- Spray the thermal element - arrow - with the chilling spray.
• The regulator flap must close the warm air connection completely at 14 °C (57.2 °F) and above.
• Below 0 °C (32 °F), the regulator flap must open the warm air connection completely.
Fuel Pressure Sensor, Checking
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Assembly Tool (T10118)
• 27 mm Open End Adapter, 3/8" Drive
• Pressure Sensor Tester (VAS 6394)
• Test Instrument Adapter/DSO (3 pin) (VAS 5570)
• The fuel pressure sensor is pressurized. Wear protective goggles and protective clothing to prevent injuries and contact with skin. Wrap a cloth around the connection point before loosening the fuel pressure sensor. Then release pressure by carefully loosening.
- Disconnect the connector from the fuel pressure sensor - A - and remove the sensor with an open end wrench.
- Remove the bolt - 2 - and install the fuel pressure sensor to the (VAS 6394/1). Tightening specification: 22 Nm.
- Lubricate the (VAS 6294/2) sealing point with clean engine oil and install it in the fuel rail. Tightening specification: 22 Nm.
- Connect the (VAS 6394/1) pressure line to the (VAS 6394/2) - arrow -.
- Connect the fuel pressure sensor and its connector to the (VAS 5570).
- Turn the (VAS 6394/1) on by pressing the button - A - briefly.
• Holding the button - A - for 2 seconds switches on the illumination for 20 seconds.
• If the (VAS 6394/1) does not display 0 bar, set it back to zero, refer to the operating instructions.
- Connect the vehicle diagnostic tester to the diagnostic connector.
- Turn on the ignition.
- Press the following buttons on the vehicle diagnostic tester screen one after another.
Vehicle Self-Diagnosis
On Board Diagnosis (OBD) >
01 - Engine Electronics >
011 - Measured Values >
- Select the measured value block 1 4 0 and confirm with the Q button.
Display field 3 shows the fuel pressure actual value as measured by the fuel pressure sensor.
- Start the engine.
- Compare the pressure displayed by the (VAS 6394/1) with the actual value displayed on the vehicle diagnostic tester.
• The pressures may have a maximum difference of 5 bar.
- If the difference is greater than 5 bar, replace the fuel pressure sensor.
The (VAS 6394) is under high fuel pressure. Disconnect the connector from the fuel pressure sensor when the engine is running. This reduces the pressure to approximately 6 bar. Turn off the ignition. Place a cloth around the fuel pressure sensor, then carefully loosen the fuel pressure sensor to release the remaining pressure.
- Repeat the test with the new fuel pressure sensor and compare both measured values.
If the measured value do not match again:
- Perform a wiring test, refer to the vehicle diagnostic tester.