Preferred Method
POWERTRAIN ASSEMBLY REMOVAL/INSTALLATION (PREFERRED METHOD)NOTE: The preferred method of removing the engine assembly is through the bottom of the vehicle. If the necessary equipment is not available, use the alternate service removal procedure.
1. Disconnect battery and remove air cleaner inlet duct.
2. Drain engine coolant.
3. Remove left and right torque struts.
4. Remove radiator hoses at water crossover.
5. Remove both engine cooling fans.
6. Discharge A/C system. Service and Repair
7. Disconnect cruise control servo connections.
8. Disconnect throttle cable from throttle body cam. Service and Repair
9. Disconnect shift cable from park/neutral switch and cable bracket at transmission.
10. Disconnect power brake vacuum hose.
11. Disconnect fuel inlet and return lines using J 37088.
12. Remove fuel line retainer at transmission case.
13. Disconnect hoses from coolant reservoir and remove reservoir.
14. Disconnect heater hoses from water pipes at front of right cylinder head.
15. Disconnect battery cable at junction block and remove retainer at cylinder head.
16. Disconnect starter cable from junction block.
17. Disconnect power steering pump pressure and return lines at pump.
18. Remove power steering line retainer at right front of crankcase.
19. Disconnect engine harness connectors at Powertrain Control Module (PCM).
20. Working underhood, remove wiring harness retainer screws at cowl and pull engine harness through.
21. Disconnect high refrigerant temp. switch.
22. Open relay cover and remove fan control relays from relay center.
23. To remove engine harness connector on left wheelhouse remove one screw holding connector halves together and separate. Engine portion of harness will be removed with engine.
24. Remove serpentine accessory drive belt.
25. Raise vehicle.
26. Remove both front wheels.
27. Remove both drive axles. Service and Repair
28. Disconnect oil cooler lines at oil filter adapter.
29. Remove exhaust Y pipe.
30. Disconnect coupling between steering rack and column. Service and Repair
31. Disconnect speed sensitive steering solenoid.
32. Disconnect power steering switch.
33. Remove A/C manifold from rear of A/C compressor.
34. Separate traction-control controller from engine cradle and wire controller into position to stay with body.
35. Move powertrain dolly such as J 36295 into position and lower vehicle onto table.
36. Remove six engine cradle mounting bolts and remove powertrain assembly by lifting vehicle or lowering table.
1. With powertrain on dolly such as J 36295 move into approximate position under vehicle which is raised on a hoist.
2. Lower vehicle onto powertrain.
3. Align engine cradle to body and install six mounting bolts.
- Bolts to 100 Nm (74 lbs. ft.).
4. Raise vehicle and remove dolly.
5. Install both drive axles.
6. Connect oil cooler lines to oil filter adapter. Shorter of the lines connects the lower cooler connection (at radiator) to the forward most oil filter adapter fitting.
7. Install exhaust "Y" pipe.
8. Connect steering rack to steering column coupling.
9. Connect speed sensitive steering solenoid.
10. Connect power steering switch.
11. Install A/C manifold to A/C compressor.
12. Position traction-control controller to engine cradle and secure with two screws.
13. Lower vehicle.
14. Route engine electrical harness through cowl and secure harness retainer with 2 screws.
15. Working inside vehicle, connect engine harness to PCM.
16. Connect refrigerant high temperature switch.
17. Install fan control relays in position in relay center.
18. Position engine harness connector to vehicle harness at left wheel house. Secure connector with one screw.
19. Make pressure and return line connections at power steering pump Secure pressure line to crankcase with one retainer.
20. Connect battery and starter cables to junction block. Restrain battery cable to front of left cylinder head with retainer.
21. Connect heater hoses to water pipes at front of right cylinder head.
22. Install coolant reservoir and connect water.
23. Connect fuel pressure and return lines. Assure proper line routing.
24. Connect power brake vacuum hose.
25. Connect shift cable to PARK/NEUTRAL switch and install cable bracket to transmission case bolts.
26. Connect throttle cable to throttle body cam.
27. Connect cruise control servo.
28. Install both cooling fans.
29. Install radiator hoses.
30. Add engine coolant. Service and Repair
31. Connect left and right torque struts and adjust to zero preload
32. Connect Battery.
33. Inspect fluid levels before starting.
34. Charge A/C system.
35. Install air cleaner.