DTC P0461: Fuel Level Sensor (Gauge) Circuit Performance Problem
Wiring Diagram
DTC Detecting Condition and Trouble Area
DTC Confirmation Procedure
System circuit confirmation inspection is included in DTC P0461 Diag. Flow.
DTC Troubleshooting
Was "Engine System Check" performed?
Go to Step 2.
Go to Engine System Check Engine System Check.
Is DTC P0463 displayed?
Go to P0463 DTC P0463: Fuel Level Sensor (Gauge) Circuit High Input.
Go to Step 3.
Do you have the SUZUKI scan tool?
Go to Step 4.
Go to Step 5.
4. Fuel level sensor output signal check with SUZUKI scan tool.
Connect SUZUKI scan tool to DLC with ignition switch turned OFF.
Turn ON ignition switch and check fuel level displayed on scan tool.
Add fuel of 3.7 liters, 1 gal, 7.8 US pt. to fuel tank and recheck fuel level on scan tool.
Is fuel level in step 3 higher than that in step 2?
Intermittent trouble or faulty ECM.
Check for intermittent referring to Intermittent and Poor Connection Inspection.
Go to Step 6.
5. Fuel level sensor output signal check.
Disconnect connectors from ECM with ignition switch turned OFF.
Remove ECM from vehicle body and then connect connectors to ECM.
Turn ON ignition switch and measure voltage between "G04-19" terminal and vehicle body ground.
Turn ON ignition switch.
Add fuel of 3.7 liters, 1 gal, 7.8 US pt. to fuel tank.
Turn ON ignition switch and measure voltage between "G04-19" terminal and vehicle body ground.
Is voltage in step 6 lower than that in step 3?
Intermittent trouble or faulty ECM.
Check for intermittent referring to Intermittent and Poor Connection Inspection.
Go to Step 6.
6. Fuel level sensor circuit resistance check.
Turn OFF ignition switch and then disconnect connectors from combination meter referring to Combination Meter Removal and Installation.
Disconnect connectors from ECM.
Measure resistance between "G04-19" terminal and vehicle body ground.
Is resistance within 10 - 140 ohms?
Go to Step 7.
Go to Step 8.
7. Fuel level sensor circuit resistance check.
Measure resistance between "G04-19" terminal and "YEL" wire terminal in combination meter.
Is resistance below 5 ohms?
Go to Step 8.
"YEL" wire in open or high resistance circuit.
8. Fuel level sensor output signal circuit check for short.
Remove fuel tank referring to Fuel Tank Removal and Installation Fuel Tank Removal and Installation
and then disconnect connector from fuel pump.
Turn ON ignition switch and measure voltage between "G04-19" terminal and vehicle body ground.
Is voltage 0 V?
Go to Step 9.
"YEL" or "YEL/RED" wire shorted to power supply or others circuit.
9. Fuel level sensor output signal circuit check for short.
Measure resistance between "G04-19" terminal and vehicle body ground.
Is resistance infinity?
Go to Step 10.
"YEL" or "YEL/RED" wire shorted to ground or others circuit.
10. Fuel level sensor output signal circuit check for open.
Connect connectors to combination meter.
Turn ON ignition switch, measure voltage between "G04-19" terminal in ECM harness connector and body ground.
Is voltage 3.5 - 5.5 V?
Go to Step 11.
Faulty combination meter.
11. Fuel level sensor output signal circuit check for open.
Measure resistance between "YEL" wire terminal in combination meter and "YEL/RED" in fuel pump harness connector.
Is resistance below 10 ohms?
Go to Step 12.
"YEL" wire in high resistance circuit at between fuel level sensor and combination meter.
12. Check fuel level sensor.
Check fuel level sensor referring to Fuel Level Sensor Inspection.
Is it good condition?
Faulty ECM Substitute a known-good ECM and recheck.
Faulty fuel level sensor.