DTC P1614: Transponder Response Error
Wiring Diagram
Refer to Immobilizer Control System Wiring Circuit Diagram Immobilizer Control System Wiring Circuit Diagram.
Detecting Condition and Trouble Area
Was "Immobilizer Control System Check" performed?
Go to Step 2.
NO -
Go to Initial Inspection and Diagnostic Overview Immobilizer Control System Check.
2. DTC check
Check if any DTC other than P1614 is detected referring to DTC Check DTC Check.
Is DTC other than P1614 detected?
Go to applicable DTC troubleshooting.
NO -
Go to Step 3.
3. Registration of ignition key in use with ECM
Register ignition key in use with ECM referring to Registration of the Ignition Key Registration of the Ignition Key.
Was registration of ignition key completed?
Recheck DTC.
NO -
Go to Step 4.
4. Registration of the spare ignition key
Register the spare ignition key with ECM referring to Registration of the Ignition Key Registration of the Ignition Key.
Was registration of spare ignition key completed?
Replace ignition key which can not be registered.
NO -
Substitute a known-good ECM and recheck.