Ignition Coil: Service and Repair
Ignition Coils with Power Output Stages
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Ignition Coil Puller (T40039)
• Observe the safety precautions. Refer to => [ Safety Precautions ] Ignition/Glow Plug System.
• Ignition component overview, refer to => [ Ignition Components Overview ] Ignition Components Overview.
• To pull off spark plugs, place the (T40039) on the upper most thick rib - arrow - of the ignition coil with power output stage.
• Lower ribs may be damaged if they are used.
- Release the connectors and pull all connectors simultaneously off from the ignition coils.
- Remove all ignition coils from the spark plug using (T40039).
• The ignition coils with power output stages must be lubricated with lubricating paste (G 052 141 A2) to install new spark plugs. This prevents the sealing hose on the ignition coil from sticking on the spark plug. The lubricating paste must spread onto the spark pug when installing the ignition coil.
• New ignition coils with power output stages are already lubricated when delivered.
- Apply a thin bead of lubricating paste (G 052 141 A2) around the ignition coil sealing hose - arrow -. The bead must be 1 to 2 mm thick.
- Insert the ignition coils loosely into the spark plug shafts.
- Align the ignition coils to the connectors and then connect all of the connectors simultaneously onto the ignition coils.
- Press the ignition coils evenly onto the spark plugs by hand.